Rehabilitation Empowered by Aquatic Physical Therapy

Aquatic therapy is a vital component of functional rehabilitation for patients who have limited tolerance to land-based exercise programs. The buoyancy of the water, coupled with the therapeutic effect of the heated water, allows for a graded progression through partial weight-bearing exercises. Aquatic therapy also can allow athletes and post-operative patients to recover at a faster rate.

Our pool therapy program is implemented after you have been examined by a physical therapist. Your physical therapist will then incorporate comprehensive interventions to reduce pain while improving your range of motion, flexibility, strength, endurance and function.

While not every condition needs aquatic physical therapy, a special aquatic therapy pool offers an added level of versatility in patients’ treatment options. The resistance that water provides augments cardiovascular stamina, muscle toning and flexibility. Joint compression and pain are also significantly reduced.

Who Can Benefit From Aquatic Therapy?

Our pool therapy program is a great way to improve your overall health and will also help alleviate the pain, soreness and stiffness caused by:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Back surgery
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Knee and hip replacement
  • Chronic pain
  • Patients with limited weight-bearing

A physical therapy program that makes use of aquatic therapy may also be used in conjunction with land-based interventions to maximize your rehabilitative potential.

After completing aquatic physical therapy treatment, patients will have the opportunity to join our supervised aquatic wellness program. This provides patients with long-term aquatic exercise options that ensure maintenance to therapy outcomes. Aquatic wellness programs are customized to address individual patient needs and supported by the “patient care promise” that sets us apart from all other physical therapy facilities.